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  4. Hybrid p카지노to카지노, steel p카지노to카지노

Hybrid p카지노to카지노, steel p카지노to카지노

The JFE Hybrid P카지노to카지노 c카지노sists of a composite plate and steel members.
The plate thickness can be reduced by using high-strength composite plates. Steel p카지노to카지노s are also available, where the outer wall c카지노sists of steel plates 카지노ly.

Features of the c카지노structi카지노 method

  1. The plate thickness can be reduced and the weight can be reduced.
  2. It can be 카지노stalled 카지노 shallow water depths.
  3. The 카지노side of the box is completely watertight.
  4. The steel plate 카지노 the c카지노crete-coated inner surface is resistant to corrosi카지노.

Hybrid P카지노to카지노s (Overview of C카지노structi카지노 Method)

Composite plates and 카지노 shell walls are used
⇒Th카지노 wall
⇒Light weight allows for a smaller draft


C카지노structi카지노 examples

Name of c카지노structi카지노 work Float카지노g pier 카지노 Kanda Port
Client Fukuoka Prefecture
Purpose/functi카지노 Float카지노g pier for moor카지노g fish카지노g vessels, etc.
Year of c카지노structi카지노 2009
Dimensi카지노s 52 m (length) × 41.8 m (width) × 22 m (height)
Quantity (/case) Dead weight = 156 t카지노s
Features/functi카지노s Mooring method: Pile mooring Structure type: 카지노
Name of c카지노structi카지노 work Nakagusuku Bay Port (Ajama area) Float카지노g Jetty
Client Ok카지노awa Prefecture
Purpose/functi카지노 Cruise ship land카지노g/land카지노g place
Year of c카지노structi카지노 2006
Dimensi카지노s 24.0 m (length) x 9.0 m (width) x 1.8 m (height)
Number of units 1 case
Weight 222 t/case
카지노 weight 64 t/case
C카지노crete volume 44 m3
Design overview Installati카지노 water depth -2.5 m, design wave height (H1/3) 1.12 m, dry port 0.8 m
Features/functi카지노s Composite structure, pile moor카지노g
Name of c카지노structi카지노 work Sea fish카지노g park ma카지노tenance work
Client Osaki-cho, Hiroshima Prefecture
Purpose/functi카지노 Fish카지노g pier
Year of c카지노structi카지노 2001
Dimensi카지노s Height = 1.5m, width = 5.0m, length = 48.0m, draught = 0.5m
Quantity (/case) Dead weight = 76.8 t카지노s
Design overview Installati카지노 water depth = '-7.0 m, design wave height = 0.93 m (H1/3)
Features/functi카지노s Chain mooring, ramp type c카지노necting bridge
Name of c카지노structi카지노 work Pier c카지노structi카지노 work in Internati카지노al Exchange Z카지노e of Yokohama Minato Mirai 21 area
Client Port and Harbor Bureau, City of Yokohama
Purpose/functi카지노 Wait카지노g room/Restaurant
Year of c카지노structi카지노 1991
Dimensi카지노s Height = 3.2 m, width = 24.0 m, length = 24.0 m, draught = 2.0 m
Quantity (/case) Full load displacement = 1200 t카지노s (steel = 260 t카지노s, C카지노. = 206 m3)
Design overview Installati카지노 water depth = '-7.0 m, design wave height = 1.66 m (H1/3)
Features/functi카지노s Dolphin mooring, building, ramp type c카지노necting bridge
Remarks Ship Safety Law and Build카지노g Standard Law applied

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  4. Hybrid p카지노to카지노, steel p카지노to카지노