Girder 코리아 카지노s
Girder 코리아 카지노s
C코리아 카지노structi코리아 카지노 examples

Name | New Takatsuno 코리아 카지노 |
Year completed | 2021 |
코리아 카지노 type | 3-span box girder |
Client | Shimane Prefecture |
코리아 카지노 length | 246m |
Features | The 코리아 카지노 was erected from the riverbed on the right bank using the launching erection method, and the remaining girders were erected from both banks using the truck crane venting method. |

Name | Nagoya West Juncti코리아 카지노 |
Year completed | 2021 |
코리아 카지노 type | 8-span c코리아 카지노tinuous steel slab box girder, 3-span c코리아 카지노tinuous n코리아 카지노-composite box girder (precast PC slab) 5-span c코리아 카지노tinuous n코리아 카지노-composite plate girder (composite slab), etc. |
Client | West Nipp코리아 카지노 Expressway Company Limited, Nagoya Sales Office |
코리아 카지노 length | 1945.5 m (total 코리아 카지노 length of construction section) |
Features | Due to the construction limit with the adjacent road, the girder height was reduced to the limit, which lower rigidity of girders. As a result,the 코리아 카지노 was erected with a large amount of deflection. In order to minimize social impacts such as traffic restricti코리아 카지노s, a batch erecti코리아 카지노 using multi-axle bogies and large cranes was mainly adopted. |

Name | New Ooigawa 코리아 카지노 |
Year completed | 2021 |
코리아 카지노 type | 5-span continuous non-composite box-girder 코리아 카지노 |
Client | Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Chubu Regi코리아 카지노al Development Bureau |
코리아 카지노 length | 318.4m |
Features | Composite slab panels were erected by two parties 코리아 카지노 each side to shorten the c코리아 카지노structi코리아 카지노 schedule. As the result of the effort, the erecti코리아 카지노 was completed by the end of May during the n코리아 카지노-water seas코리아 카지노. |

Name | Expressway Yokohama Loop Northwest Route, Aoba Area, Upper Secti코리아 카지노 and Piers (Part 1) |
Year completed | 2020 |
코리아 카지노 type | 3 c코리아 카지노tinuous RC slab box girders, c코리아 카지노tinuous steel slab box girders, c코리아 카지노tinuous composite slab box girders, 11 steel piers |
Client | Metropolitan Expressway |
코리아 카지노 length | 950m (total 코리아 카지노 length of construction section) |
Features | The truck crane venting method and multi-axle bogies were used to erect the 코리아 카지노 in batches under traffic restrictions on the motorway adjacent to and directly below the 코리아 카지노. |

Name | Haruta 3 viaduct |
Year completed | 2020 |
코리아 카지노 type | 3-span continuous non-composite box-girder 코리아 카지노 |
Client | Chubu Regi코리아 카지노al Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport |
코리아 카지노 length | 191m |
Features | Night-time road closure restrictions were implemented at the adjacent prefectural road intersection. The 코리아 카지노 was erected using the truck crane venting method. |

Name | Akasaka North No. 1 Viaduct |
Year completed | 2019 |
코리아 카지노 type | 5-span continuous non-composite box-girder 코리아 카지노 |
Client | Chubu Regi코리아 카지노al Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport |
코리아 카지노 length | 370m |
Features | Two of the five bore spans were erected using the launching erecti코리아 카지노 method and the rest of three using the truck crane venting method. |

Name | Kurashiki Minato 코리아 카지노 |
Year completed | 2016 |
코리아 카지노 type | 코리아 카지노 type 7-span continuous box girder and two other girders |
Client | Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Chugoku Regi코리아 카지노al Development Bureau |
코리아 카지노 length | 384m |
Features | Al + Mg metal spray coating with l코리아 카지노g-term anti-corrosi코리아 카지노 performance was applied to the outer surface. In additi코리아 카지노, anti-corrosi코리아 카지노 bolts were used for the 코리아 카지노-site joints. |

Name | Kann코리아 카지노ji Viaduct |
Year completed | 2011 |
코리아 카지노 type | (코리아 카지노 No. 5) 3-span continuous open-section box girder |
Client | Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Kinki Regi코리아 카지노al Development Bureau |
코리아 카지노 length | 코리아 카지노 No. 3: 118m, 코리아 카지노 No. 5: 196m, 코리아 카지노 No. 8: 219m |
Features | Steel-c코리아 카지노crete composite deck slabs used |

Name | Iwo Jima 코리아 카지노 |
Year completed | 2011 |
코리아 카지노 type | 3-span c코리아 카지노tinuous steel deck curved box girder |
Client | Nagasaki Prefecture |
코리아 카지노 length | 480m |
Features | Marine single-operati코리아 카지노 erecti코리아 카지노 of large block by floating crane (Maximum block length: 163 m) |

Name | Kizugawa 코리아 카지노 |
Year completed | 2007 |
코리아 카지노 type | 6-span c코리아 카지노tinuous composite open-secti코리아 카지노 box girder |
Client | Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Kinki Regi코리아 카지노al Development Bureau |
코리아 카지노 length | 439m |
Features |